Module-level declarations


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struct fish_dto
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val NO_FISH_FOUND_MSG: text = "No fish found"


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function _get_recently_caught_item(account_id: byte_array): (timestamp: integer, name: text, bait: text, rod: text)?
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function _is_shoal(x: integer, y: integer, timestamp: integer, shoal_tile_probability: integer): boolean
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function _register_fish(name: text, region: text, watertype: text, bait: text, tier: integer, durability_cost: integer)
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function catch_item(player: player, hooked_item: hooked_item, timestamp: integer)
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function catch_with_time(plot_id: integer, location: location, bait: text, rod_name: text, timestamp: integer, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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function check_fishing_rate(player: player, in_shoal: boolean, timestamp: integer)
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function choose_fish_for_shoal(x: integer, y: integer, timestamp: integer, eligible_fishes: list<fish_list_item_dto>): fish_list_item_dto
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function choose_hooked_item(player: player, plot: instance, global_x: integer, global_y: integer, in_shoal: boolean, bait_name: text, rod_name: text, timestamp: integer): hooked_item
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function choose_index_for_shoal(raw_x: integer, raw_y: integer, timestamp: integer): integer
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function consume_bait(account_id: byte_array, bait_name: text)
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function consume_rod_durability(player: player, rod: text, hooked_item: hooked_item)
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function hook_item(player: player, plot_id: integer, location: location, bait: text, rod: text, timestamp: integer): hooked_item
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function hook_trash(bait: text, rod: text): hooked_item
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function is_shoal(x: integer, y: integer, timestamp: integer): boolean
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function noise_number(x: integer, y: integer, raw_timestamp: integer): integer
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function random_fish_in_shoal(region: text, watertype: text, location: location): (text, tier: integer)?
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function random_fish_in_zone_and_water(region: text, watertype: text, highest_tier: integer, bait: text): text?
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function require_valid_probability(probability: integer)
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function shoal_applies(bait: text, rod: integer, fish_in_shoal: fish_list_item_dto, random_num: integer): boolean
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function shoal_candidates(region: text, watertype: text): list<fish_list_item_dto>


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@mount("fishing.get_all_fish_prototypes") query get_all_fish_prototypes(): list<fish_info_dto>
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@mount("fishing.get_all_registered_fishes") query get_all_registered_fishes(): list<(name: text, enabled: boolean)>
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@mount("fishing.get_all_registered_fishes_with_details") query get_all_registered_fishes_with_details(): list<fish_dto>
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@mount("fishing.get_all_trash_prototypes") query get_all_trash_prototypes(): list<(name: text, durability_cost: integer)>
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@mount("fishing.get_fish_master_list") query get_fish_master_list(plot_id: integer): list<fish_list_item_dto>
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@mount("fishing.get_fisherman_stickerbook_entries") query get_fisherman_stickerbook_entries(account_id: byte_array): list<text>
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@mount("fishing.get_fishing_cards_for_plot") query get_fishing_cards_for_plot(plot_id: integer): list<(username: text,)>
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@mount("fishing.get_fishing_configs") query get_fishing_configs(): (enabled: boolean, shoal_tile_probability: integer, fish_probability: integer, shoal_fish_probability: integer, fishing_rate: integer, shoal_fishing_rate: integer)
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@mount("fishing.get_recently_caught_item") query get_recently_caught_item(account_id: byte_array): (timestamp: integer, name: text, bait: text, rod: text)?
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@mount("fishing.get_shoal_tile_probability") query get_shoal_tile_probability(): integer


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@mount("fishing.batch_register_fish") operation batch_register_fish(dto: batch_fish_dto)
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@mount("fishing.batch_update_fish") operation batch_update_fish(dto: batch_update_fish_dto)
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@mount("fishing.catch_it") operation catch_it(plot_id: integer, location: location, bait: text, rod: text, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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@mount("fishing.give_fishing_card") operation give_fishing_card(plot_id: integer, receiver: text, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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@mount("fishing.register_bait") operation register_bait(name: text, price: integer)
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@mount("fishing.register_fish") operation register_fish(name: text, region: text, watertype: text, bait: text, tier: integer, durability_cost: integer)
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@mount("fishing.register_trash") operation register_trash(name: text, durability_cost: integer)
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@mount("fishing.revoke_fishing_card") operation revoke_fishing_card(plot_id: integer, card_holder: text, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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@mount("fishing.set_fish_availability") operation set_fish_availability(fishes: list<(fish_name: text, enabled: boolean)>)
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@mount("fishing.set_fish_probability") operation set_fish_probability(probability: integer)
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@mount("fishing.set_global_fishing_parameters") operation set_global_fishing_parameters(enabled: boolean, shoal_tile_probability: integer, fish_probability: integer, shoal_fish_probability: integer, fishing_rate: integer, shoal_fishing_rate: integer)
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@mount("fishing.set_shoal_fish_probability") operation set_shoal_fish_probability(probability: integer)
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@mount("fishing.set_shoal_tile_probability") operation set_shoal_tile_probability(probability: integer)